Raised Beds in Winter: How to Keep Them Protected and Productive

Raised beds have been very popular for years – they are practical, back-friendly and visually enhance any garden. But what happens when the cold season sets in? Raised beds don't have to lie fallow in winter. With the right care and a little creativity, you can either protect your raised bed optimally in winter or even continue to use it.

Tips for Raised Beds in Winter

With the onset of winter, your raised bed also needs a certain amount of care to make it winter-proof. With the right care, you can not only get the soil in shape for the next gardening season but also help existing plants get through the winter optimally.

1. Soil Care in Autumn:
Remove plant debris and weeds, loosen the soil and add fresh soil if necessary. Then cover the soil with mulch materials such as straw, grass or leaf clippings. This not only protects against frost, but also enriches the soil with nutrients at the same time.

2. Plant Bulbs of Spring-Flowering Plants:
Use the cold season to prepare your raised bed for spring. Bulbs of spring flowers such as tulips, daffodils or crocuses can be planted in autumn or winter. They will bring colour and life to your garden in spring.

3. Mobile Raised Bed? Change its Location!
Do you have a portable raised bed? Perfect! Before the harsh winter weather sets in, move it to a sheltered area such as the garage, basement or sunroom. Protect your plants from frost and rain. This is especially beneficial for raised beds with a smaller capacity that do not have a heat-generating layered structure. 
No room to move? Pack your raised bed well and place it in a sheltered spot in the garden.

4. Protect Your Fixed Raised Bed:
If your raised bed is not mobile, you can follow the above step for soil care and provide it with a protective layer. Materials such as foil, hay, mulch or leaves are excellent for protecting the soil from frost. These layers not only protect against frustration and nutrient loss, but also the microorganisms in the soil.

5. Overwinter Perennial Plants:
Perennials and other perennial plants often survive the winter without any problems. However, pay attention to how cold it gets and provide additional protection if necessary, e.g., with a layer of mulch or fleece. If temperatures are extreme, wrapping the raised bed can also help.

Planting in the Raised Bed in Winter: Let It Grow Slowly

You can also use your raised bed in winter, but with some restrictions: only a few plant species grow in the cold season. It is important that the plants are sown or planted in autumn so that they can germinate before the frost and are already sufficiently established.

Suitable winter vegetables include lamb's lettuce, kale, endive and winter spinach. These are among the more frost-resistant plants and are therefore suitable for winter growing. However, it is important to remember that even these plants will not survive excessive cold without damage.

You should not plant seeds in winter, as the cold will prevent them from germinating. Instead, the focus should be on preparing in good time in autumn and choosing varieties that thrive or at least survive in frost.


A raised bed doesn't have to lie fallow in winter. Whether you protect it, prepare it or plant it, with the right measures, it will remain a useful part of your garden, even at freezing temperatures. This way, you can use the cold season to let your garden shine in full splendor in spring!