Up to 100 % recycling
In Germany, only 16% of all plastic waste is recycled. Worldwide, even less than 10%. Most of the remaining plastic waste ends up in waste incineration. (Plastic Atlas 2019, Heinrich Böll Foundation).
75% of all GARANTIA products are made from Upcyclen. This material is produced in the GRAF Competence Centre for Raw Materials, for example from plastic waste from the yellow bag. This means that disposable packaging is turned into long-lasting environmental products. The Competence Centre combines multiple process steps with new plant technologies to form an integrated process chain. Its pioneering technology makes the plant the only one of its kind in the world. With this, we make an important contribution to the recycling of plastic waste.
With our innovative ideas, we also convinced the Federal German Ministry of Economics and Technology. The Federal Government supported the project as part of the Environmental Innovation Programme, which aims to promote the use of new technologies and the setting up of production plants that can serve as role models.

Extremely durable and fully recyclable
The service life of our high-quality products spans generations. In the long run, this ensures that fewer resources are required, which minimises the environmental impact. Right from the product development process, GARANTIA attaches great importance to sustainable product design. The supply of spare parts for our products is guaranteed over a long period of time. At the end of their life cycle, GARANTIA products are 100% recyclable.
*Article weight Thermo-Wood composter 18 kg / Ø weight of a yoghurt pot 3.5 g
(Source: www.kunststoffverpackungen.de)