Tips for Watering the Lawn
Keep your lawn lush and green in summer with these tips! Have you ever wondered how often you should water your lawn and what you need to bear in mind? Especially in summer, it is important to water your lawn properly to keep it healthy and green. At the same time, water is a precious commodity that should be used wisely, especially during long dry spells. These five rules should be observed:
1. The Right Watering Rhythm
Sprinkling the lawn for a few minutes every day - is that enough? No. Instead, you should water thoroughly once or twice a week until small puddles of water form. This is the only way to effectively protect the lawn against drought. As a general rule of thumb, we recommend watering every four days in temperatures above 30 degrees, every five to seven days in temperatures between 25 and 30 degrees and every seven to ten days in temperatures between 20 and 25 degrees.
2. The ideal Amount of Water
If the lawn does not get enough water, the water remains on the surface and does not reach the roots. This causes the roots to settle on the surface, making the lawn more susceptible to drought and disease. Lawn felt can also form, which absorbs additional water and removes it from the soil. Ideally, around 15 to 20 litres of water should be used per square metre of lawn.
3. Use Rainwater
Rainwater is perfect for your lawn and plants. It is softer than tap water and contains no added substances such as chlorine or fluorine, which can harm some plants. Water can be collected in a rain barrel or cistern and then used for watering. This is not only good for plants and the environment, but is also easy on the wallet during long periods of drought.

4. The Perfect Time
When the lawn starts to turn slightly grey and the leaves look limp, it's time to water. It is best to water your lawn early in the morning or late in the evening. Watering in the midday heat is a no-go, as most of the water will evaporate before it reaches the ground.
5. Know the Soil
Water evaporates more quickly on sandy soils, so you need to water more frequently than on clay soils. Regularly check how dry the soil is. A simple test to find out if your lawn needs water: Walk across the lawn. If the blades of grass do not immediately stand up again, it is time to water. A well-watered lawn remains resilient and the blades quickly straighten up again.